Study Abroad for the Experience of a Lifetime

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On the CJSI Facebook page the question was asked: “What are your hopes for 2013?” Several responded with something to the effect that they would like to study abroad.

If you ever get the chance to spend an extended time in a new location, there is something quite magical about experiencing a new culture and place as a local would, rather than a tourist. Immersing oneself in a busy marketplace, becoming a regular at a non-touristy café, becoming friends with those who reside in the town or city you are temporarily calling home, going off the beaten path—the possibilities for adventure and eye-opening experiences are endless when you spend a lengthy amount of time in a new landscape.

One way to experience another country in an intimate fashion is to study there. If you are interested in completing an educational program within the realm of criminal justice, you might like to find schools that offer a study abroad option.

Here are just some examples that we dug up:

Liberty University, which offers programs such as a BS in Criminal Justice, a BS/BA in Government and Law Degrees, is affiliated with Brethren Colleges Abroad (BCA). BCA offers numerous study abroad programs, in places from Athens, Greece and Barcelona Spain to Chennai, India and Quito, Ecuador. Depending on the overseas school you select, you may be able to take cultural credits that would count towards electives or classes specific to your degree.

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Boston University offers a London Internship Program for 13 weeks in either the Fall or Spring. The program’s website states, “This program combines a professional internship with coursework that examines a particular academic area in the context of Great Britain’s history, culture, and society, and its role in modern Europe.” The program is eligible to students pursuing one of 12 possible tracks or educational concentrations, such as Politics or Pre-law.

Colorado State University offers an undergraduate Sociology degree with the option of concentrating or minoring in Criminology/Criminal Justice. The school offers a Criminology and Criminal Justice program that takes place in Prague, Czech Republic for six weeks. It entails two courses (“International and Comparative Criminal Justice Systems” and “International and Comparative Crime and Deviance”) where one or both may count as credit fulfillments towards the Criminology/Criminal Justice concentration or minor.

These are just some of the many schools that offer study abroad opportunities for those pursuing a degree criminal justice or a related discipline. If this is something that you would like to experience, make it a priority, when researching schools, to ask each school representative about their study abroad programs.